Global Hope has been on the ground in conflict zones for more than twenty years investing deeply into the lives of women, children, and their families.
From the inside-out, these values shape who we are, influence what we do, and how and why we do it.

Empowering women, their families, and their communities to thrive beyond violence, conflict, and war
We go where others don’t and care when others won’t. We do not fear the dangerous places of the world. We were made for them. In the places of greatest need, we find the greatest opportunities for hope. And we are committed to advancing that hope across the Middle East.
We live with the people, not simply among them. Global Hope’s staff are immersed in the culture of the communities we serve, even speaking the local language. They are our friends. They are our family. Our local and regional networks and partnerships inform our work and provide effective leadership.
We believe lasting change happens when it is integrated and empowered at a local level. As we work to ignite change, we seek to build community ownership and leadership in the process. We not only work for the community, we work with them. We are in this together, and they are leading the way.
We will do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, to see women freed from oppression, released from the grip of violence, and empowered to fulfill their greatest destiny. We have been on the ground for twenty years, and we will be there for twenty more. Injustice has lasted long enough. Now is the time for change. And we are determined to stay until the job is done.
Integrity matters. We want to activate change to some of the world’s most systemic injustices, so building trust through integrity is non-negotiable. We seek to do what is right both when the world is watching and when no one is looking. We will continue to choose what is right, even when the path is unknown and the cost is high.
Everyone has a seat at the table. And at this table every voice gets heard, regardless of station or background. Each person has something essential to offer, and without each other we are diminished in what we can achieve. We believe influence grows from character and compassion, not power and position. Lasting change will require the contribution of the collective over the few.